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Homework №5.

Hi my dear friend!
How are you?I'm writting for you because I have just found out that The Black eyed peas are giving a concert at 29 June on 18.00pm.Can you believe it!?It's great!But I think that tickets will be expensive.VERY expensive!We can accumulate money.But it's so difficult.I know!We can ask some money at parents.I hope they understand situation.They know that it's my dream.But what about you?Can you get money?Because tickets will go on sale at April.I hope you mother understand this situation.It's sensation!Write me soon. I Love You!

Bye-bye! :)

Bullying is repeated acts over time that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful child or group attacking those who are less powerful.It's many types of bullying.For example: school bullying,workplace bullying,cyberbullying,political bullying,military bullying etc.Now we are speaking about school bullying.I think many students or teenagers don't understand what are the doing!Because the effects of bullying can be serious and even fatal.Some bullies bully other students just for fun.They are still what feeling a victim at the moment.Some people bully because they fear something.Many teenagers bully because they unshure with him self.
When I saw the number of children who coomit suicide I was shocked!People must stop bullying.Ofcourse I understand that it is almost impossible,but together we can do it!
Stop bullying!And all will be OK :)

In Great Britain, Christmas celebrations continue until the Twelfth Night. Preparing foods, sending Christmas cards, house and church decorations and wrapping up gifts keep everyone busy. On Christmas Eve, younger kids hang up their stockings on the ends of the beds or by the chimney for the Father Christmas. On Christmas morning, presents are opened up and a grand feast is served just after midday. Table setting includes the use of best china and glassware and a cracker for everyone. Meal starts with a toast and popping of the crackers. The traditional Christmas speech of the British Monarch is broadcasted on the television.

In the afternoon, people visit family and friends. Some churches in Great Britain have a Christingle service (a carol service that originated in Scandinavia) on the fourth Sunday of Advent. After the service, every child received an orange and candle wrapped in a red ribbon to represent Jesus, his blood and his love for the world. British children write letters to Father Christmas and throw them into the fireplace so they float up the chimney to the North Pole. If letters get burn, they need to be rewritten. The traditional plum pudding is served with little treasures hidden inside it and people who find it are considered lucky for the whole year. The tradition of hanging mistletoe began in Britain.

Homework №3.

Dear friend!
Hi!How are you?
I'm writing from London!!!It's the capital of England.I know that it is political and business centre.The heart of London is the City,which is the oldes part in London.There are many banks and other offices there too.You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it.
One of them is the Tower of London.Tower of London was a fortress,a palace,a prison and the King's zoo,but now it is the museum.I was in the Tower of London and i can say that it is very beautiful and huge building.
Then with pearents we visited St.Paul's Cathedral which is one of the greatest English churches.By the way it is not far from Tower of London :D.It is a beautiful buildings with many columns ant towers.In one of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world.
The Centre of London is Trafalgar Square.Some people say it is the most beautiful place in London and i сompletely agree with them.In the middle of the square stands a tall column.It is a monumemnt to Admiral Nelson.Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument.They are in front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries of the world.My parents visited this gallery.But i decided to go to Hyde Park.Hyde Park is the largest park in London.
Tomorrow we will go to the Buckingham Palace.Huraa! :D

Write soon!



Homework №2.

It happened in the supermarket.Matthew was choosing a new suit for a party.While he was looking on clothes his noticed one suspicious man.Victim didn't see him.2 hours later Matthew finnaly chose a suit and happy ran up to the cash-desk.Suddenly from the
department with bags looked out that man.Just Matthew put clothes on the little tabel to paid off,man got purse from a bag.The security saw this accident and arrested a robber.Purse returned to the lawful owner.

The end. ;)

Last summer me and my parents decided to go to Spain.Spain is a very beautiful and picturesque country.We went to Barcelona.Barcelona-the most populous city of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain.It is located on the northeast coast of the Iberian Peninsula,facing the Mediterranean Sea.We lived in a hotel which built on the coast of the sea.Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate,with warm,dry summer.The most hot monthses are June and July,because that we went in August.
At the begining we went to Park Guell,built by famous Gaudi.It is very beautiful and unusual place.It includes buildings which are different size and forms,plants like palm trees and many other.Then we visited CosmoCaixa.CosmoCaixa-the new science museum in Barcelona.Also we were on the beach.It was very cool.People can play volleyball,rent a boat,take a shower and it's all free.At the other days we went across Spain.We were in Figueres,Sitzhes,Montjuic and Moncerat.

I think it is best summer holidays in my life till this time.The weather was so sunny,the sea was so warm.I recommend to you to arrive to this solar capital of Europe.

The end.